I am sick but…

Cozy Shot

via adamknits

see #beingsickcanbefun tea, warm blankets, homemade soup, oranges, cuddles, healing green shakes, coconut ice creme @ 4AM and being home : )

And fuzzy socks, and hot showers, and netti pots, and steam, and salt, and cleansing, and comfy clothes

May all be fed. May all be healthy. May all be loved.

May all be fed. May all by healthy. May all be loved.

May all be fed. May all be healthy. May all be loved.



no time for cameras, we’ll use our eyes instead: a poem and a song

I was just discovering my friend Trini’s Lovely blog and I noticed the excellent quote at the top: no time for cameras, we’ll use our eyes instead. I’ve thought about this idea before, the way there are some things you can’t take a picture of (like climbing into a waterfall in Hawaii and seeing rainbows because there is  an abundance of water and sun). A nice reminder to live in the moment. Anyway I started writing a poem and then I realized it was a line from a song so before listening to it I finished my poem. Interesting the different results with the same prompt : ) Oh, and try to picture it sort of to the tune of  Green Day’s Time of your life…


for the things you cannot photograph, the ones that you must see

there is no apature or shutter speed to capture, what you mean to me

it isn’t so much looking, as learning how to be

to view the world through a loving lens, and it’s all yours for free

there is

no time for cameras, we’ll use our eyes instead

let’s fill our minds with memories, before we go to bed

take in each and every moment, ’cause it could be the last

be grateful for the things we see and grateful for the past

I don’t need a SLR to catch the sunlight dancing in your eyes

No point and shoot could convey the beauty of this sunrise

I may only have one moment to make that perfect shot

But I have a lifetime to appreciate all i’ve got

there is

no time for cameras, we’ll use our eyes instead

everything is wonderful and kept inside my head

take in each and every moment, ’cause it could be the last

be grateful for the things we see and grateful for the past


And now the actual song : )


Live LIVE. You are here. I love you.


Happy Birthday SuperForest!!!!!!!

Yayyyy! SuperForest.org

This amazing site is the reason I want to Hawaii this summer and have learned about so many amazing and wonderful things! If you like happy awesome things you will love it. Also, it is worth noting that this video totally MADE MY DAY!

And if you already love superforest you might enjoy this interview with SuperForest Jackson that I haven’t posted yet. Happy Birthday!

And in case you missed it here is the edited version and my personal tribute to my time in Kauai.



Link: YOU CAN DO THIS! by liferegenerator

This guy is amazing. He makes me laugh so much. I agree so much with what he has to say! Nutrition is SO IMPORTANT for living a healthy and happy life. And there is so much to learn!

I’ve been jumping up and down trying to stimulate my lymphatic system like he recommends, I found it doubled my sprinting ability on the first day! And it’s lots of fun! I’ve been practicing the We Day dance : D

Green Juices: so soothing and cooling!

Love yourself, love your health!


What will I do in life?

I have been pondering deeply the past few days.

What will I do in life?

Where should I go next?

Which opportunities should I pursue?

What do I value?

I am so grateful I got to participate in the SFU convocation (graduation) ceremony once again as an usher. I love seeing all of the people and hearing all of the words of wisdom.

One of my favourite twitter messengers @DailyZen posed the following quotation:

” “I have done my best”, that is about all the philosophy of living that one needs” -Lin-yutang

I think that if in my lifetime I do anything less than change the world I will not have done my best and I will have wasted my potential. I am a change maker. When things are good I celebrate and when things are bad I make them better.

I think after I finish university I want to make change either by working for a charity (ie: Invisible Children or Free the Children) or by making contributions to communities (possibly on a different continent).

We all have the power and responsibility to make a better world. Let us go forth and do : )

With unconditional love,


We Day 2010


I am so proud and excited to share that I will be volunteering at the Vancouver 2010 We Day! I have been selected to be a Crowd Pumper! I wasn’t sure that I would be selected so this was such good news for me! I’ve been dancing and jumping around since I got the e-mail this afternoon.

The large scale event is put on by Free the Children, an organization that empowers youth to make a difference. Al Gore, Colbie Callat, The Barenaked Ladies and many other inspirational people will be there.

We Day is televised so I highly recommend you check it out! Attend, volunteer, or be inspired! The Vancouver date is next Friday, November 15th.

Visit their site here!