Falling off the bike

Today I had one of those lazy/productive days. I had a bunch of computer-based jobs to finish so I was sitting around being lazy but getting stuff done at the same time. Later on I started to feel ill from all the sitting and computer radiation or w/e so I decided to get out and go for a bike ride. My goal was to check out the new Surrey rec centre type building by Gateway but sadly I did not get very far. I got lost in my thoughts and collided with the curb, falling off my bike.

It hurt.

I called my Mom.

I waited in the rain for her to come get me and take my lame-ass home.

While I was waiting I sat and watched these kids that were rollerblading around their driveway. There was a little ginger girl. She was so small but so eager to go as fast as she could. She didn’t fall at all but with every warble in her movement my heart leapt. How could someone so fragile be so careless? It was wet out. Big girl Jenni here could even stay up but somehow this little red-headed girl didn’t care or mind in the least. Charlie Brown, I empathize for you.

I’m so grateful it wasn’t serious. I had my helmut to protect me. However, I need to find a new bell… it didn’t make it haha x D

Missionaries of Hate: Thoughts

Someone on facebook linked me to this documentary called “Missionaries of Hate” which you can watch online.

In a nutshell it is about a large group of religious extremists in Uganda who are trying to make homosexuality illegal and punishable by imprisonment or death. It isn’t too long and I recommend watching it.

I was at a leadership conference in January at in one of the workshops (about blogging and storytelling ironically) they asked us what our biggest driving force was. I think the issue at the core of my being, the one thing that makes me live my chosen lifestyle, is repression. I have been very lucky to have lived without much exposure to repression personally but it still really usets me. Repression of women, repression of animals, repression of certain races, repression of lower classes and in Uganda: repression of homosexuality.

This is the one thing that gets me the most about religion and extremism. Sure the bible may say “man shall not lie with another man” or whatever but it also teaches compassion and kindness. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Any law that violates this creed cannot be seen as even remotely “Christian” in my opinion. It’s one thing to make a personal choice about how you live but it is another to condemn, imprison or kill others because of the way they live.

I hope for and do the best I can to try and encourage acceptance in the world in an effort to stop things like this. After all, if everyone does what they can we’ll all get what we need.

We’ll do much better

if we all move together.

Also, to point out a specific flaw in the argument of misguided man featured in the film… When he shows the gay porn to his audiences he doesn’t mention that there is tons of equally, if not more disgusting, straight porn out there… just saying.

Cannibalism in Nature

So I had a thought last night…

Let’s say I grow some strawberries. Then I wash them and eat them. Of course I choose not to eat the leaves so I compost them. I wait until the compost is ready to be used a fertilizer and then I spread it back on the strawberry plant.

In a way the strawberry plant is eating old strawberry remains…

So nature promotes cannibalism? O.o

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Will Grayson, Will Grayson Book Cover

I finished reading John Green’s new collaboration with David Levithan, “Will Grayson, Will Grayson”. What an excellent book. It was really an entertainment novel and by that I mean that It reads much like a movie or TV show. I found myself laughing out loud (actually) several times. In fact, I think the David Levithan bits were a bit funnier than the John Green bits. I’ll have to check out his other books. I laughed and got teary eyed a little at times, it was very well done. I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending… I think I was expecting some sort of closure (an epilogue maybe?).

“it’s like, you know how sometimes you see a really sexy baby? wait…”

If you like musical theatre, emo kids, or relationships i’m sure you will enjoy this book!

Endnote: This guy reminds me the slightest bit of Tiny Cooper. Just putting that out there.

Main: Take 1

Today I met up with a friend and went downtown to do some exploring on Main Street! I was recently reading about all the cool stuff there on Granville Online. A few months ago I came across Pulp Fiction Used Bookstore online and i’ve wanted to make a trip ever since. I was a bit disappointed they only purchased one book from the offerings I brought to rid myself of (previous read Michael Moore collection, some paperback novels, “Planet Simpson” non fiction, and a few books from the Twilight series). I walked away with my sack of publications and one addition, “Change of Heart” by Jodi Picoult (author of “My Sister’s Keeper” and “Nineteen Minutes”, both of which were very good). Someone, who for the life of me I can’t place, recommended it to me. After that excursion ended we stopped in at The Wallflower for lunch! I was pretty excited because they have a menu of vegan and gluten-free options (though there is little overlap).

I ordered the “Hummus Melt” which includes:  hummus, spinach, onion, mushroom, vegan mozza, green salad on some sort of gluten-free flatbread. It was quite tasty but difficult to eat and a little on the oily side. I liked the chill vibe of the place and the decor was very appealing. I’ll have to stop by again to try their Thunder Fries and specialty pizza! Yay for alternative dietary restrictions!

Chocolate Delight.

Recently I made an amazing discovery:


I would love to go there someday! I’ll have to add it to my list of restaurants I want to visit before death. I the mean time though I discovered their cookbook! It was quick to arrive at my local library and I baked my second goodie from it today, Brownies! (the first was “johnnycakes” which turned out more like scones aha, that’s what happens when you substitute flours). They turned out quite well, a little sweeter and less dense/fudgy than I like (I was a big fan of the two-bite brownies in my pre-vegan days) but good nonetheless. Yum! Gluten-free, vegan, soy free… : D

How to Be Green Without Being a Prick

“There are far too many ways to be green, in the smallest and biggest ways for anyone to tell you how to do it. The only way is to understand the problems that we face so you can make intelligent decisions for yourself, be informative to your friends, and help promote and create the solutions that will truly allow this world to become sustainable.”


I think I really needed to see this. I agree with what Hank is saying, however I wish he gave more suggestions about how to be informative to others without coming off negatively. I’m struggling with that right now.

One of those days

Sometimes I feel segregated from everyone else. Let’s face it, most of the lifestyle choices I make are not the societal norm. It can be hard at times because I know in my heart I am doing the right thing but other people don’t always agree. Weather it be with food choices, how to react to a personal situation, or consumption. Right now I feel so segregated.

There is a difference between doing what is right and doing what is easy.

I don’t meet to sound judgmental in posting this but I know i’ve had a few rather judgey posts lately. This is kind of my little rant zone at times. I really try to find fault within myself before I find fault within others. No one is perfect. We all have our own challenges to overcome. I was thinking about my personal effort to have an impact on the world. Maybe instead of having my own causes I should try to see what my friends are doing to make an impact and help them out. Maybe they will in turn want to help me out. Even if they don’t it is easier to change the world together than it is alone. If we all work together we can do anything. Right?

I also realize that everyone feels like this at times.

I know there are other people out there. I just need to find them… *sigh*