So in love with life!

Today as I was walking on Commercial Drive after an unexpected trip to Laughter Yoga, I was almost in tears of gratitude. The world is amazing and I am so grateful to be a part of it and get to experience all of these magical things.


Laughing until it hurts with awesome friends

Getting the party started hehe

Getting to MC the FCAT Formal and do all the amazing things everyone envisioned for the event : )

Having people actually recognize what I was trying to do with my “Black Swan” inspired masquerade outfit and think I looked perdy hehe

Failing and learning from it immediately instead of lingering in that “put down” phase.

Doing someone’s makeup and having them love it. Win!

Being awake.

Making random friends downtown and having good, non superficial conversations.

Waking up on the 18th floor of a Hotel near waterfront and doing a sun salutation on the balcony overlooking Vancouver as the sun rose. BEAUTIFUL.

Dancing to children’s music with kids who have no reservations!

Getting PAID to do video work for the first time! SO exciting!


Wearing other people’s clothes.

Unexpectedly visiting Commercial Drive each day!

A-cappella gibberish jam!

Bumping into amazing people!

Having someone call me a Rockstar : )

Rock on friends. Don’t ever stop.

10 Amazing Things at 10AM

It’s only 10:02AM but…

  1. waking up before the alarm goes off without assistance
  2. the power of the mind
  3. good conversations
  4. intentions! Seriously, when you put something out there, in your mind or verbally, that you want to cultivate in your life… IT HAPPENS! SOOOO COOL!
  5. Kiwi
  6. Washing machines
  7. Tea
  8. Plants and people who like plants.
  9. TED Talks
  10. Glitter

YAAAYYYYYY! Should be a good day.


I met Sarah Kramer

Sarah Kramer is a stylist, inspiring vegan author whom I had the pleasure of meeting at an animal fundraiser. The event was held at Karmavore, an awesome local vegan shop in New West that I am falling in love with. I have two cook books by Sarah: How it all Vegan and The Garden of Vegan. Neither have pictures but they have some great recipes. The part I like best about her books are the personal stories and lifestyle tips she includes.

Check out her website here:

Links from Saturday’s Workshop

THANK YOU again to everyone who attended!


The Blog of Jason Mraz

This is the youtube playlist from the workshop:

And the bonus video I forgot… KWAN SEUM BOSAL:

This was too much fun! LOVE!

My Purpose in Life

A Mission Statement:

I want to tell my story to anyone who will listen.I want to tell my story to the world.I want to share my message of love with the world.I want to travel the world spreading and seeking love.
I will do this by having conversations. By giving presentations. By speaking. By taking photos. By making films. By blogging. By graphic designing. By taking personal action.

There is this All Time Low lyric that has always stuck with me. “Girl, we’ll take the world by storm, it isn’t that hard.”

I will take the world by storm. And one day I will meet someone else who shares that dream. And our “storms” will combine. And together, we will make a whirlwind tornado. It will be magical. And I sincerely look forward to that : )

My First Leadership Workshop!

Today I was honoured to give my first workshop at the SFU Leadership Summit.My topic was “How to change the world and yourself in the process”. I basically talked about my personal journey with positivity, SuperForest, and how I created my manifesto. It was really a full circle moment. I am so grateful for the people that I personally invited who attended, and the unexpected group from my high school that sat in the front row, and the people I was suprised to see, and the people I didn’t even know who came out!
In making the presentation I had a much needed opportunity to reflect on myself and my perspective. Due to an interesting transition into 2011 with some events that really taught me a lot about myself I had almost forgotten little bits of me. I am glad to have evolved and found those little pieces that have been lost for the past few weeks.
I can’t really word this in the best way yet but I was thinking…When it feels like part of you is totally dependant on someone else, it is interesting that when they leave, some parts of you were really just you all along.

This reaffirmed my idea that there is only oner person in the world, really. Yourself (so me haha). Everyone else is just your perception of them. So when people change you, they don’t really… you change you. You have all the tools you need to be whatever you want.
I really enjoyed presenting and I got a lot of positive feedback after the presentation. I feel like I want to do it again. I’ve already started thinking of things I could make more awesome about it.
I feel like there is a message here. A message of love, and making the world a better place. I feel like I want to keep telling this story. To anyone who will listen.

I am excited to see where this takes me.


Reasons I Love Public Transit

Snowed-in bus

via kevinharding2

  1. You get to meet cool people.
  2. It is an opportunity for missed connections.
  3. When the bus is full and I have to stand I like to pretend I am surfing… or riding a magic carpet.
  4. When riding the 145 Bus down Burnaby Mountain I like to sit in the very back centre seat and pretend I am riding a horse.
  5. Some people smell really good.
  6. You get to overhear the funniest and most delightful conversations.
  7. You can run into people you know.
  8. You get to see the lower-mainland and the city from above via the Skytrain.
  9. You can stare at the good-looking strangers.
  10. You can use your time in transit to enjoy a good book, album or conversation via text message.
  11. It is an opportunity for adventure : D